Cupertino lies in the heart of the Silicon Valley, thriving among a diverse and educated demographic. The city of Cupertino is the foundation for many well-known high-tech and computer companies in the world today, including of course, Apple Inc. Apple is currently in the process of construction, building their second campus in order to expand from their original headquarters.
Cupertino is not only surrounded by high-tech companies, but is also surrounded by top tier public schools. The schools within Cupertino have achieved an incredibly high API score, SATs, and STAR tests. Monta Vista High School, for example, has performed superbly over the years and is ranked within the top ten best public schools in the state. Not to forget, one of the best community college is also located in Cupertino. De Anza College has consistently ranked 1 or 2 in the state annually for the number of students who are able to transfer to University of California and California State Universities. As tech companies continue to grow and school rankings continue to advance year after year, Cupertino is becoming one of the most desirable cities to live. Other high schools in the same school district as Monta Vista High includes Homestead, Cupertino, Fremont and Lynbrook all with outstanding faculty and programs. As for middle schools, those include Kennedy, Lawson, Cupertino, Hyde and Miller. The elementary schools also have outstanding performance especially Faria Elementary School, which consistently scores an API of 998 or higher.
Cupertino’s landscape is still being shaped by tech companies that are dominating the city but is becoming an upscale city as well. Currently, Cupertino is underway for a Downtown Cupertino where plenty of upscale stores and restaurants will be opening soon. With a downtown opening soon, a city where companies are booming and schools are exceling, what more can you ask for?